Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hello, my name is Basil L. Brylcreem. I write. My alter ego, J. M. Frazier, thinks. We feed off each other in a kind of multiple personality symbiosis. Whatever. It works.
I have a new book out. It's available on Amazon. I titled it 'Chances' because the moment is defined by doing something and when you're doing something in this world you're generally taking chances. Get it? It's a popular title so look for the one by Basil himself. It's a very fast, very short mystery that's perfect for a cappuchino and a quiet hour or two in an afternoon. J.M. works his way into a paragraph or two so it'll make you think. I recommend it. But then I would, wouldn't I?
The novella is fiction and the questions with fiction are twofold involving escapism and relevance. It has both. There's the romantic figures of the Private Investigator and his associates and the dark forces of the Villains. It's good entertainment.
It also addresses the modernist quest for meaning by answering, within the context of postmodernism, that there is meaning in the moment. What you are doing when you are fully engage' matters.
If the context interests you, J.M. has a crude but comprehensive paper, 'Towards a Postmodern Synthesis', available on Of course his thought will be criticized, but it is convergent across disciplines and it lacks a plan for a grand narrative. That makes it Postmodern. Any comments that it is somehow not 'true' postmodernism are modernist, absurd and disengage'.
As this blog continues, J.M. will have a turn or two at topics. It could get interesting.
So enjoy the book. Enjoy the paper.
Do well and be well.

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