Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Necessity of Basic Income and Free Education

Our concept of the social responsibility for the economic well-being of individuals in our political economy is being disrupted. With the advent of globalism the very idea of separate political economies is under pressure. It is becoming clear that we must be both more generous in our societal amendments to income and education and more strict in our fiscal accountability, a neat trick I must admit.
The health  of a political economy, production, distribution, and administration, is now and will be forever measured by the comparative value of its currency in relation to world currencies in a free market. There is no absolute measure of a healthy econom, only relative health. Basically, it works or it doesn't. This series of blogs is an attempt to systematically address the black box of the allocation of wealth for socioeconomic good in the hope of rationalizing that process to achieve economic and social accountability in the political economy.
By creating an equation that measures the effect of social spending on the 'goodness' of its currency, I have created a theoretical metric measuring the abstract health of a political economy in terms of its currency without comparative valuation. It is an index useful in judging the wisdom of expenditures beyond current economics so that the politically possible will be realized efficiently and responsibly.
What of the politically possible? It is becoming conventional wisdom that our consumerist capitalist political economy cannot maintain both growth and capital concentration without priming the pump of consumer spending. The idea of a basic income is not just to replace social welfare programs but to cut to the chase of putting more money in the hands of consumers to maintain growth and the concentration of capital. As I argued earlier, a licensing fee for automation would accomplish that in a fair bargain.
While the bar to education is coming down, online schools and access to texts and explanatory materials for the autodidact, the bar in the workplace for necessary paradigms and skill sets is going up. This happy coincidence also requires monetary support in order to work. We must provide it. There has never been a period of creative destruction quite like the one we face.
And that brings me to the subject of venture capital. It is not in the nature of venture capital, a mass industrial institution, to provide funds on a substantial risk/ moderate reward basis and the only mechanism we have in place to manage this intense creative destruction is venture capital. We need to create a public venture capital corporation to fund the small bespoke factories of the future and their economic infrastructure on a breakeven basis. Faced with the social default of meaningless existence, we must assert our better nature, our life force, and move ahead into a world of possibility and meaning.
Thank You Kind Readers,
Do Well and Be Well

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