Friday, May 29, 2015

A Work in Progress

Seven years ago I gave up writing seriously for a time, producing in those years only a short story, 'The Railers'. I felt at the time that, given my morbid fear of writing without saying anything, I did not know enough within the framework of current thought to write even a forgettable contemporary novel. So I delved deep into current thought, starting with 'middlebrow' compendiums and moving to source documents such as journal reports and original works. I completed that major task about two years ago and, while still filling gaps in my knowledge base, I began, as Carnap put it, 'thinking the world' with this new information. I began integrating all of this material into a coherent world view.
As I proceeded in this project, I blogged this integration as I accomplished it. The record exists in my old blogs of that integration. I am now confident enough in my intellectual processes to begin to write a science fiction adventure set in the near future, acknowledgements to Philip K. Dick's 'Blade Runner' which was written over fifty years ago.
My Work in Progress, tentatively titled 'Out of Paradiso', is scratching and clawing its way through the crystallizing but chaotic web of information in my brain and into existence. It is a slow go and I intend to keep interested readers informed of its progress.