Wednesday, March 23, 2016

To Be is To Do

I have been born knowing into a universe, knowing that I am and knowing that that proposition means something. I have then been born knowing what meaning means. As I have matured, I have learned the conditions of that perceived and calculated existence. I have learned that the nature of money is structural, that meaning is 'fit', no more, no less, I have learned that both my existence and my meaning are consequent upon my being born into a universe that structures that existence into real terms and supplies that meaning by simply being the larger, constant context of any cultural narrative which subtends any personal narrative I may generate. A universe may exist without me. I cannot exist without a universe. I have been born into a universe knowing and have constructed a personal narrative by learning that universe and the nature of that existence intellectually and by experience and I have accomplished this narrative, this exercise in meaning, by doing. Contemplation is action analyzed.
I have learned the nature of meaning by extrapolating my meaning, my 'fit' into my universe of relevant structure, into a general case of the structural nature of meaning. In analysis, a phenomenon is conserved when an observation 'fits' a theory. In action, a behavior has meaning when it accomplishes a relevant meaning structure in a logical fashion. Thus, existence, in real terms, is an exercise in meaning. It can be no other. Legitimate human action accomplishes meaning structures.
To be is to do.