Saturday, May 19, 2018

Bespoke Production: The Humane Resolution of Mass Industrialism

Blog 3

What I am calling Value Dilution Economics is based upon the observation that when one leverages their economy, whether with Keynesian mechanics or supply side mechanics, one either overcooks their economy or overcooks their society and dilutes either the value of money or the quality of their social existence. It is a very reliable and historically evident relationship. We are now moving into the Age of Productivity, a smart-machine enhanced manufacturing process and a smart-machine enhanced distribution system. What will that entail? First, some attempt must be made to envision what this economy will look like and, second, how can it be managed to a humane end? Certainly, unless one defines civilization as a death cult where machines do all the work and we lay around taking drugs and watching bad television, it must be managed. We must direct the machine and not the other way around. Certainly, it must be to a humane end. We must enhance social existence, nothing less makes any sense whatsoever.
While there are a number of areas of intense research and development, three stand out as pointing the way to a humane society.
 Artificial intelligence has the capacity to enhance human existence, both economic and social,  by handling the mundane, tedious, details and protocols that harass us and devour our time.
Derivative of artificial intelligence are robots, even autonomous, thinking robots, those fearsome, delightful inventions.
Third, there are 3D printers, now even capable of placing metal in computer defined patterns, that can build intricate objects. Using these three elements I envision a humane factory as follows:
The human factor- a clever resourceful person of some mechanical insight.
The AI factor- a production manager, a business manager, a marketing manager, all under the direction of the human factor.
The robot factor-  assembly robots, AI driven, able to learn new tasks reasonably quickly, capable and flexible.
The 3D printer- industrial 3D machines that can make intricate parts to exacting specifications for robot assembly.
 The criteria for a Bespoke factory is- can it make an assembly robot with minimal outside components? Can it make a 3D printer with minimal outside components? That autonomous capability is beyond mass industrialism. It is the mark of the Age of Productivity.
The scheme for the Age of Productivity is simple:
There are factories. There are virtual markets matching production and sales. There are brokers directing AI assistants staffing those markets. There are AI enhanced points of sale. There are human consumers whose income is enhanced by a basic income, whose free education is AI enhanced.
If POM + POS generate z amount of dollars minus reasonable net profit then expenditures on education, basic income, and government equal z amount of dollars minus net profit. Of course, that's theoretical. Deviations would be normal.
This gives an x=5 equation for Value Dilution Economics. That is:
(POM+POS)/(education+basic income+ government+2)= .4 as value dilution factor
The value dilution is high because the Age of Productivity reduces human access to value addition, to the simple creation of wealth, in POM and POS. It necessarily is weighted to social utility as:
(money in circulation)(.4)= 'goodness`  of currency
Do Well and Be Well

Next Blog:
The Necessity of Basic Income and Free Education in the Age of Productivity

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